How would you like a small, portable camera stabilizer for small cameras for $50? Sounds good. How about $25? Even better!
Nadim Elgarhy emailed me about a new project he’s working on to create a low-cost camera stabilizer for the guerrilla filmmaker. Regular price will be $50, which ain’t bad, but jump in on the Indie Gogo bandwagon and the first 25 can snatch one up for $25. For that price, it’s a great tool just to buy and have in your kit.
Find out more on his Indie Gogo page.
Thanks so much for sharing this with your readers!
A quick note, the campaign is on IndieGoGo, not on KickStarter, because it is not available to Canadians!
Thanks, fixed it.
WOW! That footage is just so awfully bad!
I get better shots than that handheld. Even the handheld in their own promo video isn’t far off. :/
I’d happily spend $25+ on a ‘fig rig’ style or shoulder stock stabilizer to improve handheld stability but this thing looks amazingly useless.
Seriously guys, either make a decent product for more $ or a simpler product (that works) for less $. ie, you could easily make a cool fig rig or shoulder rig for the same $25-50 price. A nice, simple and usable shoulder rig would sell like hot cakes at that price.
Also, you should give one to a filmmaker to at least do some creative shots with and review. not run round the garden with it.
Sorry to be so harsh, I’m just being honest.