NextWaveDV has been around for close to a year now but we only really started blogging a little over six months ago.  Since then, we have grown our coverage and training to become a leading site for video pros and hobbyists.

Now it’s time to take it to the next level.


NextWaveDV will soon change our layout from a traditional blog look to a news magazine look.  We hope this will make it easier to navigate our content.  We are bringing additional bloggers on board to help us grow our news content.  There is tons of news out there, and we only see a portion of it.  We want to bring you as much relevant news content as possible.


Our videos have had a randomness to them, and we recognize this.  We will be putting higher production value into them and changing our format to more of a TV show style.  This means each episode will feature lots of  different content.  No longer will there be individual series, but instead we will have one show that will cover everything.


Look for the new website to come in the next several weeks and the new show format to come in the next few months.

Thank you for being a part of the NextWaveDV family!  Stay tuned for more awesomeness!