I have always had a huge respect for the lighting gear that Litepanels has been producing over the years, but at the beginning of the month they filed a 337 complaint with the United States International Trade Commission to halt:
…the importation into the United States, the sale for importation, and the sale within the United States after importation of certain LED photographic lighting devices and components thereof.
This would stop all other LED video and photo lights from being sold in the US and effectively give Litepanels a monopoly on the market.
Usually I try to keep my head out of legal matters, but this could really effect every video producer in US. LED lighting has been becoming more and more affordable and a lot of shooters have been slowly migrating to it. While Litepanels were always the high end choice and the dream of most shooters, they weren’t always in everyone’s budget. If this goes through, there may be no other option than to buy Litepanels or go back to fluorescent.
I will also openly admit that I am a bit biased in the matter. I’ve been considering developing my own LED lighting and have been working on prototypes for a few months now. If this goes through, all my work will be for not.
Read the full 337 complaint here and share your thoughts in the comments or on Twitter.
The small companies affected by this don’t have the millions of dollars necessary to fight Litepanels in court, but if consumers show Litepanels that they will not tolerate a LED monopoly, there might be a chance of changing this.
The complaint indicates where you can contact the USITC and tell them how this will:
negatively affect the…competitive conditions in the United States economy, the production of like or directly competitive articles in the United States, or United States consumers.
Even though it indicates that responses must be in within five business days of the initial filing of the complaint, they do mention that:
There will be further opportunities for comment on the public interest after the issuance of any final initial determination in this investigation.
If you are afraid of Litepanels creating a monopoly and stopping affordable LED lighting from being sold in the US, I recommend you let the USITC know.
For those who are a little confused by all the legalize being thrown around, you can read a layman’s summary on the ITC 337 Law Blog.
Here are some other discussions and blog posts going on about this topic:
CheesyCam 1 and 2
As I continue to look into this, the worse it seems. After talking to some higher-ups (who will remain nameless) it looks like Litepanels is trying to block the import of any LED used for film, video or photo, regardless if it is similar to their own designs or not.
How can this be possible when it would obviously create a monopoly? Well it’s because to the USITC and the patent office, film, video and photo are a niche market and so having a patent on LEDs for film, video and photo fits within their definitions of a patent. Those in the industry understand how massive the market really is and need to inform the USITC and patent office that Litepanels will have a massive monopoly if the 337 complaint goes through.
The legality of the complaint is currently attacking several smaller manufacturers of LED lights. However, historically in cases like this, it is very likely that they wonรขโฌ™t stop there. Soon they will be going up against the big guys like Arri, Kino Flo and Mole Richardson who are all releasing LED lights. Imagine no other LED film lighting options except Litepanels.
I’ve put together a short video to help better explain all of this. Please share it and continue to spread the word.
I know we’ve been throwing around a lot of “legalese” but the two things to really focus on are the USITC 337 complaint and the patent.
The complaint is trying to block certain other LED manufacturers from importing and selling their LED video and photo lights in the US. As we stated before, this will not stop with just this handful of manufacturers. If Litepanels wins here, they will continue up the line. Also, as we mentioned in UPDATE 1, the USITC allows for consumer responses to the complaint where this would cause a negative impact in the production of like or directly competitive articles, which is what we are encouraging people to do.
The reason this complaint is even allowed is because Litepanels has patents that state they own the rights to LED for video and film. These patents shouldn’t have ever been passed and they should be fought in court. Unfortunately, according to one law source’s estimates, it would probably take close to $5 million to fight this battle. Regardless if they won, most of the manufacturers couldn’t afford this. This is why it may be good to contact the patent office explaining the negative affects of Litepanels’ patents.
As Richard Andrewski of Cool Lights USA, one of the respondents in the 337 complaint, explains:
Litepanels is owned by Vitec Group. Here are all of the fine businesses owned by Vitec:
Anton/Bauer, Autoscript, The Camera Store, Litepanels, Microwave Service Company, Nucomm, OConnor, Petrol Bags, RF Central, Sachtler, Vinten, Vinten Radamec, Avenger, Brilliant Stages, Colorama, Gitzo, Kata, Lastolite, Litec, Manfrotto, Manfrotto Distribution, National Geographic (manufactured & distributed under licence), Tomcat, Bexel
I want you to know that every dollar you spend with these companies is helping in this fight against inexpensive lighting and no doubt other similar products.
Here’s a quote from the Vitec 2010 Annual Report:
The Group is at risk from low-cost competitors who may sell similar products at lower prices, particularly for high volume items such as the simpler photographic tripods. While the Group also sources those cheaper products from lower cost countries, it combats this threat by patenting its technologies wherever possible and taking action against any infringement, continuously innovating its products and employing significant marketing and distribution capabilities.
Looks like the ITC has begun their investigation of Litepanels’ 337 complaint:
On August 31, 2011, the U.S. International Trade Commission issued aรย press releaseรย announcing that it voted to institute an investigation ofCertain LED Photographic Lighting Devices and Components Thereofรย (Inv. No. 337-TA-804).
Read more about this on the ITC blog.
Thanks Dozenbaloons for sharing this.
Also, in an encouraging update, ikan has officially decided to fight the Litepanels complaint:
Litepanels seeks a general exclusion order which, should they prevail, would allow them to prevent LED photographic lighting and other devices from entering the United States in the future, and without further hearings, review or approval from any outside group or governing body.
IKAN will oppose the complaint. Interested parties may contact the U. S. International Trade Commission and voice their concerns in this matter. For more information, please contact:
James R. Holbein, Secretary to the Commission, U.S. International Trade Commission, 500 E Street, S.W., Washington, D.C.20436, telephone (202) 205-2000.
Read more about this on ikan’s blog.
Check back here for continued updates.
The principals are unscrupulous con artist who bamboozled their way into the business. Not only did they
not invent LED lighting as stated in their patent, I see they lifted ideas from the actual LED suppliers for their patent artwork.รย I have used their products and have to admit,
they are not what they claim.รย How they
were awarded these patents is a real scam and the patent office needs to be
Lighting in our industry has evolved from tungsten, quartz, fluoresces,
hmi, and led.รย How the hell can you claim
to own LED lighting?รย If a product is a
direct knock off, you should be able to protect your patentรขโฌยฆ but the whole
technology? Get real! รย Whatรขโฌโขs next, letรขโฌโขs
patent a flashlight with an LED lamp.
The industry press should run with this story, but they canรขโฌโขt
since LP is one of the biggest advertisers. We are forced to see their lame
product ads spread around the industry like diarrhea touting how great they
are.รย Lighting requires many tools, different sources for different situations.รย LED is just another tool… not patentable.
My guess is they oversold the company to the รขโฌลVรขโฌย group and
now canรขโฌโขt meet expectations. So they only have on resource, block any and all competition.รย Good luck, hope you get a black eye and this
back fires.รย I personally
will never work on a set with their products.รย รย
Give me a good Arri hmi, now thatรขโฌโขs a light!
I knew it was there somewhere !
This is insane. Corporate control through stupid legal discrepancies is so frustrating. They don’t own the LED. Litepanels is making themselves look really bad here. This could be a PR disaster for them. This is a small industry. It’s not hard to upset the film community. It’s not going to make people want to buy their products any more than they do. You make a great product if you want to increase sales. They could go after one or two companies but if they try and take on all competition they’re going to get a huge backlash.
There’s another company, Righthaven which went sue-happy on copyrights in web design and started off strong winning case after case until federal judges realized they were just trying to profit and use it as control. Now they’re in financial trouble and are losing their cases. I could see this going in the same direction because they will have to sue in order to really be effective. The LED market is just too big now and I don’t see US judges backing up their case. I will think twice before purchasing a Litepanels product in the future.
รย Well, no. That the patent was granted doesn’t mean anything other than that the patent was granted. Unfortunately, the overworked and understaffed USPTO does not have the time or ability to properly review every patent. They’ve admitted as much in congressional testimony.
I recently visited the IBC show in Amsterdam and made a point of visiting the Litepanels/Vitec booth. While there I did ask one of the sales guys about this legal action. There wasn’t a lot of detail to be had (the guy I spoke to was very quick to point out that he wasn’t a lawyer and couldn’t comment on any ongoing legal action) but there were a couple of interesting throwaway comments. There was a strong suggestion that certain competitors are simply copying Litepanels products without making any changes or improvements and are not paying license fees to other LED patent holders in the same way that Litepanels are. In this sense, the comment about competition being unfair rather than fair may have some merit. Another comment was that Litepanels are not claiming to own LED as a technology but they have invested a great deal in making LED work in the movie and broadcast industries and this investment has been legitimately protected through a patent that is now being infringed.รย As the holder of several patents myself, I can sympathise with this desire to protect investment.
On a similar line, I’d also mention the demonstration I received of the new LED Hilio product which seems to use some new higher output LEDs.รย The guy who showed me the product stressed the investment required to bring it to market and made the point that cheap knock-offs damage the ability of companies to invest in R&D and innovation.รย I’m as cynical as the next guy, but I guess I can see where they are coming from here. รย
Update.รย Today was the filing date for the initial responses to the complaint.รย Cool Lights, IKAN and Flolight all filed a common response.รย Elation had their own attorneys and filed their own response.รย Stellar, not sure what the status is on that.รย The Chinese companies all have an additional 5 days to file and from what we know, those all appear to be working by themselves with their own attorneys.รย I imagine all these responses will be on the ITC website or if not yet will be soon for anyone interested in reading them.
Don’t drink the kool aid Stefan,รย I also spoke to a sales rep and litepanels are clearly the BAD GUYS here.รย From what I see, they are predatory patent trolls.รย I understand they went after Sony and that LED product looked NOTHING like a panel. Also, an insider told me their licensing fees are astronomical, outside what is typical for a royalty deal, thus making it economically impossible.รย They want a monopoly. The good news is so far this is a PR nightmare them, look at the youTube video hits for the video above and calls for boycotts. And the big box house dealers are pulling away from them and pushing the competitive products!รย Congrats to all for posting the truth here, keep the thread going!
I see people are using the web to spread this message… let you fingers spread the word!
The truthful reviews are coming in… if you have experience with their marketing exaggerations, I invite you to share the truth on all their products.
This is why competition is good for the industry, more selection, better products and improved pricing
Anyone know where this thing is now?? How are the manufacturer cited in the complaint handling this?รย Curious users want to know if they are making any headway!
No change as of this time.รย Looks like most of the respondents have their initial responses filed.รย The actual hearings don’t start for a while.รย
More news on the greedy, corporate patent trolls and how this action is working against their brand…
As someone who has been responsible for taking a very nice
lump out of Litepanels (I built and ran the ecommerce at FloLight.com) I have
to say it was a pleasure. LP are patent trolls pure and simple. They invented
j*** s***. Go look at their patents. Wiring in matrix of leds in series, gimme
a break – there’s prior art – it’s called CHRISTMAS TREE LIGHTING. If you were
to believe litepanels they are the only company allowed sell a product which
involved putting an LED on top of a camera – in-fact they assert exactly that claim.
Patent lunacy – pun intended.
Remember the US
is the country that allowed the patenting of a “laser as a cat amusement
toy”, only one company can sell it in pet stores (or license it’s sale).
LP patents are nonsensical. That company refuses to
innovate, and has been like this for many years. About the only half decent
thing was Solas (which is Irish for Light by the way), which they made a pigs
ear of marketing – and the market swept past them.
And as to the rest of their patents… there’s a very good
reason most of their patents were refused in the EU.
I saw cool plasma lights at IBC this year – thank god (and
unsurprisingly) not from Litepanels. Great light!
And LEDs will be improving too, there’s some molecular
“swiss cheese” coming down the pipe to let more of those photons out
– most are currently captured in the emitter. And that won’t be coming from
Litepanels either.
It’s not just this latest trolling offensive, they have been
at it for years – some suppliers s o n y cough cough settled a license (probably
for free as they could have turned over the patent – but others fought on. One
aspect many consumers don’t see is why so many competitors do so much direct
business – LP like to go around scaring major dealerships with potential suits
– further stifling competition in pursuit of a monopoly based on some seriously
dodgy patents.
Besides Litepanels don’t make LEDs, they get them from a Japanese
supplier. Methinks it’s coming up to the time to name the supplier.
I must say it’s been a pleasure seeing microbeams fly off
the shelves in the webstore – so much so just supplying the demand has been a
challenge. But I got to go home at night thinking that each one represented one
customer who will never buy a MicroPro again.
If you, the consumer want access to alternatives, buy
elsewhere. There’s a lot of alternatives about, it’s not just cheap junk from
rural china. Though of course Litepanels would have you believe that. LP. A British
company with Japanese LEDs.
Last time I checked it wasn’t the USPTO calling up dealers and resellers trying to spook them..
Do courts convict when they haven’t time to hear the defense?
” prior art”
Yeah. for example Christmas tree lighting – the method they claim ownership of to get reduced voltage to the individual LEDs.
This is high farce.
It’s a British Multinational actually.
And plenty of the competiton are not just knockoffs. Ever tried out the MicroBeam – a hell of a lot brighter, and just as good light as LP these days. And put together in Silicon Valley, which isn’t exactly China. I’d be happy to show you pictures of them being built.
The founder of LP probably hung on to fight this as maybe it’s part of his staged buyout terms.
They can, will, do, and having been doing so for many years. Filing in a notoriously patent troll friendly court in Texas.
High CRI at 3200k can’t happen. By definition it’s got a lot of red which will enhance the red stuff over the blues, Rendering imbalance.
A company sited in the complaint or individual must start aรย #NULLIFY LITEPANELSรย or #REEXAMINE LITEPANELS effort.รย รย Since the legal fees are substantial, initiate a fund raiser via PAYPAL and call out to the industry and dealers for contributions.รย I heard a few big Box House dealers are very concerned, since they import lighting, and willing to take up the cause and contribute very large sums.
My production company is willing to donate a very large sum to the cause and I’m sure a lot of my industry associates will contribute.รย But it’s going to need central organization and a legal team. I’m sure some of the companies in the complain already have a lot invested with their legal department and necessary ammo to nullify LP patents.รย รย
From what I’ve read and discussions with others, their patents have a lot of holes in them, poorly written and can EASILY be overturned. However, nothing happens by itself… this effort needs a champion for the cause… IKAN, Cool Lights, Prompter People I hope your reading this and take up the effort.
Please use this forum to initiate the effort, and to keep the industry posted, many are willing to contribute and join the dialog.
I really don’t have a dog in this fight, but I’m tired of hearing about LP’s mafia approach to business and would love to see their patents taken out for the sake of fair competition.รย Let’s face it, they really didn’t invent anything anything novel, they we’re just the first to put a patent on it and it’s shameful that these patents got approved. The examiner must have been on the payroll.
Steve DP Miami Production Co.
Steve, Shoot me an email. I know some people who would like to talk to you.
My name is Hooshmand Harooni, and I am the CEO and owner
of Stellar Lighting Systems in Los Angeles, California.รย As many of you aware, Stellar, along with
other photographic lighting systems companies in the United States and China
have been subjected to an unfair and one-sided investigation requested by
Litepanels, Inc. and initiated by the International Trade Commission.รย รย I would like to take this opportunity to
detail actions that I am taking to defend against these unsubstantiated and
false accusations.
I have challenged the viability of the patents and filed
an ex parte patent reexamination request with the United States Patent
Office.รย This means that I have requested
that the US Patent Office re-examine the validity of Litepanels Inc.รขโฌโขs patent,
and the request is in progress and a case/control number has been opened by the
Patent Office as No. 90/009,963.รย As part
of this reexamination request, we have invalidated many of their Litepanelsรขโฌโข
claims.รย Two of the more prominent
examples of this:
รยทรย รย รย รย รย รย รย รย
The Litepanels Inc. claim in their patent that
the use of dimmers with LED arrays has been invalidated by the fact that we
have provided evidence that a Luxeon Lumiled LED array (many LEDs in a row) lighting
system with a dimmer existed prior to the filing of their patent.
รยทรย รย รย รย รย รย รย รย
In addition, we have also shown that the Kamio 6
lighting device from Kino Flo existed in the market prior to the filing of
their patent, again, invalidating another of their patent claims of being first
to market with a low voltage dimmable portable lighting device.
We are appalled with Litepanels allegations and their
attempts to create a worldwide monopoly in the LED photographic lighting
business, and intend to use every legal means available to defend ourselves
against these false accusations.รย รย รย
Please join me in fighting this unwarranted aggression from Litepanels รขโฌโ
contact me at hooshmandharooni@gmail.com
and help us ensure fair competition in this market.
Hooshmand Harooni
Owner, Stellar Lighting Systems
Thanks for your comments Steve.รย We are taking up the effort, its an expensive effort though–but that’s the point isn’t it?รย They use this kind of method to eliminate competition in one way or another.รย We have asked some in the industry to help and they would like to, but they said it would be like painting a target on themselves.รย Many recognize the issues with these patents.รย
Perhaps if there was an anonymous method of donation that would help a lot.รย รย In any case, Cool Lights, IKAN and Flolights have taken note of your idea.รย We’re asking our lawyers now how to do it legally.รย Probably requires setting up a trust and an administrator to do it right and fairly.รย And it will help even the balance in this fight as they obviously picked the smaller of their competitors to defend against this petition to the ITC.
Hello Steve,
This is Hooshmand Harooni of Stellar Lighting Systems.รย My company is willing to take on this effort, and have already initiated an effort to fight Litepanels on this outrageous behavior.รย I have set up a site at http://www.defeatlitepanels.com to raise funds to fight their monopolistic efforts. Stellar Lighting is willing to lead this fight, and to be a champion for this cause.รย I’m tired of being the subject of Litepanels litigious efforts, and its time to stop this now.รย Please see belowรย the postรย I have placed on other photography and lighting forums to support this effort:
Thank you.
Hooshmand Harooni
Stellar Lighting Systems
am writing this update to help spread the word about the unfair business
practices engaged in by Litepanels Incorporated.รย Litepanels Inc. in the United States (and its
parent company Litepanels, Ltd. in the United Kingdom) are a manufacturer of
LED lighting equipment for the photography and videography markets.รย Litepanels Inc. has asked that the
International Trade Commission bring a case against 13 US and China-based
corporations, including my firm, Stellar Lighting Systems, regarding the use of
LED lighting in the photography and videography markets.รย I am personally outraged with the unjustified
actions that Litepanels has taken, and am writing this to detail the actions I
have taken and also to invite you to join me in helping to aggressively defend
against their outrageous tactics.
has been engaged in questionable litigious and patent trolling behavior for
many years.รย During the past three years
I have attended numerous trade shows where there have always been stories about
yet another firm that Litepanels filed suit against.รย Their patents are weak, and they are unfairly
utilizing them in an attempt to create a monopoly in the photographic LED
lighting business and push all other competitors out of business.รย This must be stopped now! รย รย I have filed an ex parte patent reexamination
request with the United States Patent Office against one of the patents
mentioned in the Litepanels case against us, and have urged all other
respondents in the Trade Commission case to join me.รย รย In
laymanรขโฌโขs terms, this means that I have challenged the validity of the patent,
and I have submitted a very strong case to invalidate their patent and thus
have our case dismissed.รย I have spent a
number of years in the photographic lighting industry and I know and understand the business very
well, having personal involvement in almost half of the lighting ideas that are
sold in the market today.รย I am one of
the pioneers in this field, and I have a thorough understanding of the
technology behind LED lighting, and this is one of the primary reasons I have
been able to put up a strong challenge against Litepanels.
the legitimacy of the Litepanelsรขโฌโข patents is the best defense against their
egregious behavior and to stop Litepanels in their tracks.รย Litepanels has over a dozen questionable
patents, and the five that are named in their case are filled with inaccurate
claims, questionable assertions, and outrageous statements about the uniqueness
of their technologies.รย I wish I had the
resources and time to battle Litepanels on behalf of the industry, but I canรขโฌโขt,
so therefore we need to collaborate together to protect our industry against
these unfair trade practices now and in the future. รย รย Litepanels is illegally manipulating the
system to monopolize the entire LED lighting market and put all of its
competitors out of business, and cries out in the face of fair business
practices and open capitalism.
I urge you all to join me in this effort to stop
Litepanels actions and to bankrupt them and put them away for good.รย I look forward to hearing from you.รย Please help us by donating anything you can
to this effort by visiting us at http://www.defeatlitepanels.comรย All proceeds will be used to fight the
litigious behavior of Litepanels and help to keep fair competition alive. รย รย Time is of the essence.รย I thank you in advance.
Lighting Systems
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